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[   1]       Aarseth, I., Bjerskli, K., Bjorklund, K. R., Boe, D., Holm, J. P., Lorentzen-Styr, T. J., Myhre, L. A., Ugland, E. S. & Thiede, J. 1975. Late Quaternary sediments from Korsfjorden, western Norway. Sarsia 58(): 43-66.

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[   9]       Abbassov, A. B. 1982. Pozdnemelovyie radiolyarii Saryibabinskogo sinklinoriya Malogo Kavkaza i ikh stratigraficheskoeznachenie. Avtoref Kand Dis Baku (): 1-22.

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[  14]       Abelmann, A. 1992. Radiolarian flux in Antarctic waters (Drake Passage, Powell Basin, Bransfield Strait). Polar Biology 12(): 357-372.

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[  31]       Afanas'eva, M. S. 1986. K istoririi paleozoiskikh radiolyariy semeystva Pylentonemidae. In Zonal'naya otratigrafiya po mikroorganismam i metodyi ee razrabotki. Tez. Dokl. X Vsesoyuz. Mikropaleontol. Soveshsh. Trudyi Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologicheskogo Instituta. Leningrad (): .

[  32]       Afanas'eva, M. S. 1986. Pozdnepaleozoyskie radiolyarii kak bioivdikatoryi poleobiotiopov. Geologiya morey i okeanov. Tez. Dokl. 7-y Vsesoyuz. Shkolyi morskoy geol. T.I.M (): 9.

[  33]       Afanas'eva, M. S. 1986. Radiolyarii semeystva Pylentonemidae. Paleontologicheskiy Zhrunal 1986(3): 22-34.

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[  35]       Afanas'eva, M. S. 1987. Pervyie svedeniya o radiolyariyakh ranney permi vostochogo borta prikaspiyskoy vpadinyi. Radiolyarii i biostratigrafiya (): 15-16.

[  36]       Afanas'eva, M. S. 1987. Pozdnepaleozoyskie radiolyarii mestorozdeniya Karachaganak i ikh fatsial'naya priurochennost'. Stratigrafiya i paleontologiya paleozoya Prikaopnyovoy zpadinyi. Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologicheskogo Instituta (): 26-47.

[  37]       Afanas'eva, M. S. 1990. Experimental evidence for changes during fossilization of radiolarian tests and implications for a model of biomineralization. Marine Micropaleontology 15(): 233-248.

[  38]       Afanas'eva, M. S. 1993. Novye dannyie o rannepaleozoyckikh radiolyakh roda Caspiaza. Paleontologicheskiy Zhrunal 1993(4): 115-118.

[  39]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & A_doni, A. V. 1990. Radiolyarii Karakapinskogo Allokhona (Severnyiy Tyan'-Man'). Pp. 9-11. in Zhamoida, A. I. (ed) Ispol'zovanie Radiolyariy v Stratigrafii i Paleobiologii. Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologicheskogo Instituta.

[  40]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Timokhin, I. M. 1999. Radiolyarii i Voprosyi Gidrodinamiki: Novyy vzglyad na problemu. Pp. 219-226. in Chuvakoshov, B. I. (ed) Materialyi po Stratigrafii i Paleontologii Urala, Vyipusk 2. Rossiyskaya Akademiya Nauk, Ural'skoe Otdelenie, Ekaterinburg.

[  41]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Vishnevskaya, V. S. 1992. Bozmozhniye prichinyi pojavlenija kremnevogo skeleta radioljariy. D{|pt @{ptu}yy Np{ RRRQ 325(3): 590-596.

[  42]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Vishnevskaya, V. S. 1993. Radiolyarii proshlogo kak indikatoryi evolutsii kremnisto-karbonatnogo osadkonakopleniya. Litologiya i Poleznyie Iskopaemyie 1993(5): 52-68.

[  43]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Vishnevskaya, V. S. 1993. Radiolyarii: Bentos i Plankton. Paleontologicheskiy Zhrunal 1993(3): 3-13.

[  44]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Vishnevskaya, V. S. 1994. Possible causes of the appearance of the silicic skeleton in radiolarians. Doklady Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk 326(7): 212-218.

[  45]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Zamiladkaya, T. K. 1986. Radiolyarii i foraminiferyi verkhnepaleozoyskikh otlozheniy severnogo borta Prikaspiyskoy vpadinyi i ee obramlaniya. Byul. Mosk. o-ba Ispyitaeley prirodyi. otd. geol. 61(4): 156.

[  46]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Zamilatskaya, T. K. 1985. Paleobiogeografiya artinokogo veka Yuzhnogo Urala i Severnogo Prikaotsiya na osnovanii izucheniya radiolyariy i foraminifer. Proiskhozhdenie i prakticheskoe ispsl`zovanie kremnityikh porod. Dokl. Vses. shk.-seminara. Novosibirok, 27 oent.-2 okt, Mosk (): 78-85.

[  47]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Zamilatskaya, T. K. 1986. Radiolyarii i foraminiferyi verkhnego paleozoya severnoy chasti Prikaspiyskoy vpadinyi. Seriya Geologicheskaya 1986(9): 127-131.

[  48]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Zamilatskaya, T. K. 1986. Radiolyarii i paleobioge ografiya Yuzhnogo Urala i Severnogo Prikaspiya v artinskom veke. In Zonal'naya otratigrafiya po mikroorganismam i metodyi ee razrabotki. Tez. Dokl. X Vsesoyuz. Mikropaleontol. Soveshsh. Trudyi Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Geologicheskogo Instituta. Leningrad (): 26-.

[  49]       Afanas'eva, M. S. & Zamilatskaya, T. K. 1993. The paleobiogeography of the northeast Pricaspian Basin and pre-Uralian depression in Artinskian time based on radiolarian and foraminifera. Micropaleontology, Special Publication (6): 61-65.

[  50]      Afanas'eva, M. S., Zamilatskaya, T. K. & Efremova, G. D. 1987. Radiolyarii, foraminiferyi i fatsii rannepermskogo rifa karachaganak. Radiolyarii i biostratigrafiya (): 18-21.

[  51]       Afanasieva, M. S. 1997. Biostratigraphic significance of Early Frasnian radiolarians. Doklady Rossiyskoy Akademii Nauk 355(2): 217-222.

[  52]       Afanasieva, M. S. 1999. A new version of the system of Paleozoic Radiolaria. Pp. . in  (ed) Geologiya i Mineral'nye Resursy Evropeiskogo severo-Vostoka Rossii: Novye Resul'taty i Novye Perspektivy. Matrialy XIII Geologischeskogo s"ezda Respubilik Komi, Syktyvkar, Inst Geol of Komi Nauchn Tsent Urals Otd, Ross Akad Nauk 2:253-256.

[  53]       Afanasieva, M. S. 2000. Moskovistella victorialis - a Victorious star of Moscow. Izv Vyssh Uchebn Zaved 1997(5): 38-41.

[  54]       Afanasieva, M. S. 2000. New radiolarians of the Orders Aculearia and Sphaerellaria from the Upper Devonian of the TIman-Pechora Province (Russia). Paleontological Journal 34(4): 359-376.

[  55]       Afanasieva, M. S. 2000. New radiolarians of the superfamily Entactinoidea from the Upper Devonian of Timan-Pechora Province, Russia. Paleontologischeskii Zhurnal 23(2): 132-145.

[  56]       Afanasieva, M. S. 2006. Radiolarian skeletons: formation and morphology of skeletal shells. Paleontological Journal 40(5): 13-24 (476-489 in E.

[  57]       Afanasieva, M. S. 2007. Radiolarian skeleton: morphology of spines, internal framework, and primary sphere. Paleontological Journal 41(1): 1-14.

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[ 974]         De Wever, P., Danelian, T., Durand-Delge, M., Cordey, F. & Kito, N. 1987. Datations des radiolarites post-ohiolitiques de Corse alpine a` l'side des Radiolaires. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II, Mecanique, physique, chimie, sciences de l'univers, sciences de la terre 305(10): 893-900.

[ 975]         De Wever, P. & Dercourt, J. 1985. Les Radiolaires triasico-jurassiques, marqueurs stratigraphiques et pale'oge'ographiques dans les chai'`nes alpines pe'rme'diterrane'ennes: une revue. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 1(5): 653-662.

[ 976]         De Wever, P., Duee, G. & Kadiri, K. E. 1985. Les series stratigraphiques des klippes de Chrafate (Rif septentrional, Maroc) temoins d'une marge continentale subsidente au cours du Jurassique-Cretace. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France 1(3): 363-379.

[ 977]         De Wever, P., Dumitrica, P., Caulet, J. P., Nigrini, C. & Caridroit, M. 2001. Radiolarians in the Sedimentary Record. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 533 pp.

[ 978]         De Wever, P., Geyssant, J. R., Azema, J., Devos, I., Duee, G., Manivit, H. & Vrielynck, B. 1986. La coupe de Santa Anna (zone de Sciacca, Sicile): une synthèse biostratigraphique des apports des macro-, micro- et nannofossiles du Jurassique supérieur et Crétacé inférieur. Revue de Micropaléontologie 29(3): 141-186.

[ 979]         De Wever, P., Grandlund, A. & Cordey, F. 1989. Icule, un systeme d'analyse de contour d'image pour Micropaleontologie, une etape vers un systeme paleontologique integre. Revue de Micropaléontologie 32(3): 215-225.

[ 980]         De Wever, P., Grissac, C. B. & Bechennee, F. 1988. Découverte de radiolarites permiennes au bord Sud de la Téthys (nappes d'Hawasina, Sultanat D'Oman). Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II, Mecanique, physique, chimie, sciences de l'univers, sciences de la terre 307(11): 1383-1388.

[ 981]         De Wever, P., Grissac, C. B. & Beurrier, M. 1988. Radiolaires Senoniens de la Nappe de Samail (Oman). Revue de Micropaléontologie 31(3): 166-179.

[ 982]         De Wever, P., Grissac, C. B. & Beurrier, M. 1990. Permian age radiolarites of the Hawasina nappes, Oman Mountains. Geology 16(): 912-914.

[ 983]         De Wever P, I. M. 1997. Cenozoic Radiolaria from European Platform: A review. Geodiversitas 19(2): 383-469.

[ 984]         De Wever, P., Martini, R. & Zaninetti, L. 1990. Datation pale'ontologique des radiolarites du Lagonegro (Formation du Monte Facito, Italie me'ridionale). Individualisation de`s le Trias moyen de bassins pe'lagiques en Te'thys occidentale. Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II, Mecanique, physique, chimie, sciences de l'univers, sciences de la terre 310(): 583-589.

[ 985]         De Wever, P. & Miconnet, P. 1985. Datation Directes des Radiolarites du Bassin du Lagonegro (Lucanie, Italie Meridionale) Implications et Consequences. Revue de Micropaléontologie 17(3): 373-402.

[ 986]         De Wever, P. & O'Dogherty, L. 2006. Ovumella, a new name for the genus Ovum De Wever, 1982, non Schneider, 1801, non Blainville, 1830. Lethaia 39(): 304.

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[1015]        Deflandre, G. 1972. Nothotripociscinus nov. gen., Radiolaire (?) aberrant à squelette creux, d'une vase du Pacifique tropical, type d'une famille nouvelle, Nothotripodscinidae, de position systématique incertaine. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Ser. D, Sciences naturelles 275(): 229-232.

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[1148]        Ehrenberg, C. G. 1844c. Über die kleinsten Lebebsformen im Quellenlande des Euphrats und Araxes, so wie über eine an neuen Formen sehr reiche marine Tripelbildung von den Bermuda-Inseln. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1844(): 253-275.

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[1150]        Ehrenberg, C. G. 1846. Über eine halibiolithische, von Herrn R. Schomburgk entdeckte, vorherrschend aus mikroskopischen Polycystinen gebildete, Gebirgsmasse von Barbados. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1847(): 382-385.

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[1156]        Ehrenberg, C. G. 1855a. Über die weitere Entwicklung der kenntniss des Grunsandes als gruner Polythalamien-Steinkerne, über braunrothe und corallrothe Steinkerne der Polythalamien-Kreide in Nord-Amerika, und über den Neeresgrund aus 12900 Fuss Tiefe. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1855(): 172-178.

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[1159]        Ehrenberg, C. G. 1856. Über 2 neue südamerikanische Gebirgsmassen aus mikroskopischen Organismen, eine aus Meeresorganismen in Chile und eine als mit gefritteten Süfswasserorganismen gemischten vulkanischen essbaren Tuff aus Honduras in Centro-Amerika. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1856(): 425-431.

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[1163]        Ehrenberg, C. G. 1860b. Über den Tiefgrund des stillen Oceans swischen Californien und den Sandwich-Inseln aus bis 15600' Tiefe nach Lieut. Brooke. Monatsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1860(): 819-833.

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[1853]        Ishida, K. & Kozai, T. 2001. Radiolarian ages of pre-Cretaceous accretionary complexes in the Yoshigahira area, Chichibu Superterrane, East Shikoku. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (12): 129-144.

[1854]        Ishida, K., Terado, T., Hashimoto, H., Murata, A., Morinaga, H., Nakao, K. & Morimoto, S. 1993. Izumi Group and Median Tectonic Line in western part of the Asan Mountain Range -Geology and Geomorphology of the Miyoshi-cho area, East Shikoku-. Journal of Tokushima Prefectural Library 39(): 1-19.

[1855]        Ishida, Keisuike & Kozai, T. 2004. Stratigraphy and radiolarian ages of the Sakashu Group, South Kurosegawa Terrane (Sakashu) Belt in East Shikoku. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (13): 135-148.

[1856]        Ishida, Keisuike, Okamoto, Haruka, Tsujino, Y., Nakao, K., Kozai, T., Hirsch, F. & [Γc[CE{EҖהVEE@EHirsch, F.] 2005. Upper Triassic Sabudani Formation and Sakashu unconformity of the South Kurosegawa Terrane, east Shikoku: Stratigraphy, sedimentary facies and faunas [l̓암я㕔OnJwƍBs]. Natural Science Research, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokushima 19(): 19-29.

[1857]        Ishida, Keisuike, Shimakawa, M., Kozai, T. & Yao, A. 2004. Oceanic-plate stratigraphy and radiolarian zonation of the Hegawa Section in northern South Chichibu Belt (Kurano Subbelt), East Shikoku. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (13): 181-195.

[1858]        Ishida, Keisuke, Nishiyama, Ken-ichi, Nakao, Ken-ichi, Motoyama, Shigeki, Takaya, Seiji, Kozai, Takeshi & Ozawa, Hiroaki 2007. The Mikabu and Chichibu belts in the Iya-gawa area, Tokushima Prefecture, Shikoku, SW Japan -An intergrated research of geology and geomorphology -. Natural Science Research, Faculty of Intergrated Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokushima 21(): 47-64.

[1859]        Ishida, Kotaro, Yamashita, M. & Ishiga, H. 1992. P/T boundary in pelagic sediments in the Tanba Belt, southwest Japan. Geological Reports of Shimane University (11): 39-57.

[1860]        Ishida, Naoto 2004. Lithostratigraphy of Mesozoic strata and Late Jurassic radiolarian assemblages in the Southern Chichibu Terrane in the Hinohara area, southeastern part of  the Kanto Massif, central Japan. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (13): 89-109.

[1861]        Ishida, Naoto 2006. Sedimentary evolution of the Torinosu-type limestone bearing strata in the Southern Chichibu terrane: a case study of the Upper Jurassic Ebirase Formation in the middle stream of the Kuma River, Kumamoto Prefecture. Kumamoto Journal of Science 18(2): 69-87.

[1862]        Ishida, Naoto 2007. Triassic-Jurassic unconformable boundary in the Kurosegawa Terrane, northern Itsuki area, western Kyushu. Journal of Geological Society of Japan 113(3): 83-94.

[1863]        Ishida, Naoto 2008. Late Jurassic radiolarian assemblages in the Southern Chichibu Terrane, western Kyushu, Southwest Japan. Stratigraphy 5(1): 22-38.

[1864]        Ishida, Naoto 2009. Jurassic to Early Cretaceous accretionary complexes and Upper Jurassic trench-slope basin deposits of the Southern Chichibu Terrane in the Itsuki-Gokanosho area, western Kyushu. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists (NOM), Special Volume (14): 375-403.

[1865]        Ishida, Naoto & Murata, M. 2006. Mixed radiolarian assemblages from the Middle Jurassic chert and siliceous mudstone in the Southern Chichibu Terrane, southeastern part of the Kanto Mountains. Journal of Geological Society of Japan 112(3): 197-209.

[1866]        Ishida, Naoto, Watanabe, Masayuki & Komatsu, Toshifumi 2008. Early Cretaceous (Aptian) radiolarians from the Gumizaki Formation in northwestern Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan and their significance in stratigraphic correlation of Lower Cretaceous formations. Journal of Geological Society of Japan 114(10): 532-535.

[1867]        Ishiga, H. 1982. Late Carboniferous and Early Permian radiolarians from the Tamba Belt, southwest Japan. Earth Science 36(6): 333-339.

[1868]        Ishiga, H. 1983. Morphological change in the Permian Radiolaria, Pseudoalbaillella scaprata in Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series (129): 1-8.

[1869]        Ishiga, H. 1983. Two suites of stratigraphic succession within the Tamba Group in the western part of the Tamba Belt, southwest Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 89(8): 443-454.

[1870]        Ishiga, H. 1984. Follicucullus (Permian Radiolaria) from Maizuru Group in Maizuru Belt, southwest Japan. Earth Science 38(6): 427-434.

[1871]        Ishiga, H. 1985. Discovery of Permian radiolarians from Katsumi and Oi Formations along south of Maizuru Belt, Southwest Japan and its significance. Earth Science 39(3): 175-185.

[1872]        Ishiga, H. 1986. Late Carboniferous - Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy in Japan with special reference to distribution and phyletic lineage of Follicucullus in Late Permian time. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (7): 1-8.

[1873]        Ishiga, H. 1986. Late Carboniferous and Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy of southwest Japan. Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University 29(3): 89-100.

[1874]        Ishiga, H. 1986. Ultra-Tamba Zone of Southwest Japan. Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University 29(): 45-88.

[1875]        Ishiga, H. 1987. Present status and problems of the phylogeny of the late Paleozoic radiolarians. Journal of Fossil Research 19(): 32-37.

[1876]        Ishiga, H. 1988. Middle and Late Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy of Japan. Geological Reports of Shimane University (7): 69-76.

[1877]        Ishiga, H. 1988. Paleontological study of radiolarians from the southern New England Fold Belt, eastern Australia. Preliminary Report on the Geology of the New England Fold Belt, Australia (1): 77-93.

[1878]        Ishiga, H. 1989. Paleozoic and Mesozoic radiolarian fossils from Japan (Paleozoic 1-3). Atlas of Japanese Fossils 66(): 1-12.

[1879]        Ishiga, H. 1991. "Dimorphic pairs" of Albaillellaria (Late Paleozoic Radiolaria), Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University 25(): 119-129.

[1880]        Ishiga, H. 1991. Description of a new Follicucullus species from southwest Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University 25(): 107-118.

[1881]        Ishiga, H. 1992. Late Permian anoxic event and P/T boundary in pelagic sediments of Southwest Japan. Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University 26(): 117-129.

[1882]        Ishiga, H. 1993. Progress of investigation on bedded cherts in Meso-Paleozoic complex in Southwest Japan -with special reference to Oceanic Anoxic Event recorded in bedded cherts. Earth Science 47(): 63-73.

[1883]        Ishiga, H., Choi, J. Y. & Sato, M. 1990. Geologic examination of the borehole data from the eastern part of the Himeji City, southwest Japan. Geological Reports of Shimane University (9): 85-90.

[1884]        Ishiga, H. & Imoto, N. 1980. Some Permian radiolarians in the Tamba district, southwest Japan. Earth Science 34(6): 333-345.

[1885]        Ishiga, H., Imoto, N., Yoshida, M. & Tanabe, T. 1984. Early Permian radiolarians from the Tamba Belt, southwest Japan. Earth Science 38(1): 44-52.

[1886]        Ishiga, H. & Ishiyama, D. 1987. Jurassic accretionary complex in Kaminokuni Terrane, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. Mining Geology 37(6): 381-394.

[1887]        Ishiga, H., Kito, T. & Imoto, N. 1982. Late Permian radiolarian assemblages in the Tamba district and an adjacent area, southwest Japan. Earth Science 36(1): 10-22.

[1888]        Ishiga, H., Kito, T. & Imoto, N. 1982. Middle Permian radiolarian assemblages in the Tamba District and an adjacent area, southwest Japan. Earth Science 36(5): 272-281.

[1889]        Ishiga, H., Kito, T. & Imoto, N. 1982. Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (5): 17-26.

[1890]        Ishiga, H. & Leitch, E. C. 1988. Age and significance of Late Devonian radiolarians from the Hastings Block, New England Fold Belt, Eastern Australia. Preliminary Report on the Geology of the New England Fold Belt, Australia (1): 61-72.

[1891]        Ishiga, H., Leitch, E. C., Naka, T., Watanabe, T. & Iwasaki, M. 1987. Late Devonian Palaeoscenidiidae from the Hastings Block, New England Fold Belt, N.S.W., Australia. Earth Science 41(6): 297-302.

[1892]        Ishiga, H., Leitch, E. C., Watanabe, T., Naka, T. & Iwasakai, M. 1988. Radiolarian and conodonts biostratigraphy of siliceous rocks from the New England Fold Belt. Australian Journal of Science 35(1): 73-80.

[1893]        Ishiga, H. & Leitch, E. C. 1988. Stratigraphy of the western part of the Hastings Block, New England Fold Belt, eastern Australia . Pp. 34-45. in Co-operative Research Group of Japan and Australia (ed) Preliminary Report on the Geology of the New England Fold Belt, Australia. Volume 1. publisher unknown.

[1894]        Ishiga, H. & Miyamoto, T. 1986. Follicucullus (Radiolaria) from the Upper Permian Kuma Formation, Kyushu, southwest Japan. Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan, New Series (141): 322-335.

[1895]        Ishiga, H., Sugata, Y., Funakoshi, N., Takeshita, H. & Tokunaga, T. 1989. Biostratigraphy and structure of the Permian Maizuru Group in western part of Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan with special reference to acid volcanic rocks. Geological Reports of Shimane University (8): 61-71.

[1896]        Ishiga, H. & Suzuki, S. 1984. Discovery of Permian radiolarians and conodonts from the Shimomidani Formation in the "Maizuru Belt," Southwest Japan and its significance. Earth Science 38(3): 197-206.

[1897]        Ishiga, H. & Suzuki, S. 1988. Late Paleozoic radiolarian assemblages from the Shimomidani Formation in Akiyoshi terrane, Southwest Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 94(7): 493-499.

[1898]        Ishiga, H., Takamatsu, M., Takigawa, T., Nishimura, K. & Tokuoka, T. 1988. Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Maizuru Group in the northwest of Ibara and Kanagawa areas, Okayama Prefecture, southwest Japan. Geological Reports of Shimane University (7): 39-48.

[1899]        Ishiga, H., Watanabe, T. & Leitch, E. C. 1988. Microfossil biostratigraphy and lithologic association of bedded chert in the MacDonald Block of the New England Fold Belt, Eastern Australia. Preliminary Report on the Geology of the New England Fold Belt, Australia (1): 47-59.

[1900]        Ishiga, H., Watase, H. & Naka, T. 1986. Permian radiolarians from Nishiki Group in Sangun-Chugoku Belt, southwest Japan. Earth Science 40(2): 124-136.

[1901]        Ishiga, H. & Yamakita, S. 1993. Permian/Triassic boundary in pelagic sediments, southwest Japan - an introduction-. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Japan 44(): 419-423.

[1902]        Ishiga, H. 1994. Late Paleozoic bedded cherts and Permian and Triassic boundary in the Tanba Terrane, southwest Japan. Pp. 1-18. in Organising Commitee of INTERRAD VII (ed) Guidebook for INTERRAD VII Field Excursion. publisher unknown.

[1903]        Ishiga, H. 1990. Paleozoic radiolarians. Pp. 285-295. in Ichikawa, K., Mizutani, S., Hara, I., Hada, S. & Yao, A. (ed) Pre-Cretaceous Terranes of Japan. Publication of IGCP 224. Publisher unknown.

[1904]        Ishiga, H. 1992. Middle Paleozoic radiolarians of genus Ceratoikiscum from Japan. Pp. 389-397. in Ishizaki, K. & Saito, T. (ed) Centenary of Japanese Micropaleontology. Terra Scientific Publishing Company, Tokyo.

[1905]        Ishigaki, S. & Yao, A. 1982. Radiolarian revolution -conversation with a radiolarian researcher and a teacher of Earth Sciences-. Education of Earth Sciences and Scientific Movement (11): 93-102.

[1906]        Ishii, A. & Takahashi, O. 1993. Accretion complexes and related forearc basins in the Cretaceous of central Japan, with special reference to the continuity of accretion tectonism and associated metamorphism. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 105(): 111-124.

[1907]        Ishii, A., Takahashi, O. & Hayashi, N. 1990. Geology of the Kawakami-Sudama area, western part of the Kanto Mountains, central Japan. Bulletin of Tokyo Gakugei University, Section 4 42(): 171-181.

[1908]        Ishii, Yuuki, Suzuki, Noritoshi & Kano, Harumasa 2009. Berriasian-Barremian (Early Cretaceous) radiolarians from paleo-Pacific regions (DSDP and ODP Holes 463,800A, 801B, 765C, 1213B, and the Goshikigawahama bedded red shale of the Northern Shimanto Belt. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists (NOM), Special Volume (14): 317-373.

[1909]        Ishikawa, T. 1982. Radiolarians from the Southern Shimanto Belt (Tertiary) in Kochi Prefecture, Japan. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (5): 399-407.

[1910]        Ishitani, Y., Takahashi, Kozo, Okazaki, Y. & Tanaka, Seiji 2008. Vertical and geographic distribution of selected radiolarian species in the North Pacific. Micropaleontology 54(1): 27-39.

[1911]        Ishitani, Yoshiyuki & Takahashi, Kozo 2007. The vertical distribution of Radiolaria in the waters surrounding Japan. Marine Micropaleontology 65(): 113-136.

[1912]        Ishizuka, H., Okamura, M. & Saito, Y. 1983. Latest Jurassic radiolarians from the Horokanai ophiolite in the Kamuikotan zone, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 89(12): 731-732.

[1913]        Ishizuka, H., Okamura, M. & Saito, Y. 1984. Early Early Cretaceous radiolarians from the Sorachi Group at the Pippu area, central Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 90(): 59-60.

[1914]        Ishizuka, O., Yuasa, M. & Kurimoto, C. 1997. Geologic history of back-arc seamount chains of the Izu-Ogasawara Arc -submersible survey of the Manji Seamount-. JAMSTEC Journal of Deep Sea Research 13(): 457-472.

[1915]        Isogawa, J., Aita, Y. & Sakai, T. 1998. Early Triassic radiolarians from the bedded chert in the Minowa quarry, Kuzuu Town, Tochigi Prefecture. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (11): 81-93.

[1916]        Isozaki, Y. 1994. Superanoxia across the Permo-Triassic boundary: Record in accreted deep-sea pelagic chert in Japan. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologist, Memoir 17(): 805-812.

[1917]        Isozaki, Y. 1997. Permo-Triassic boundary superanoxia and stratified superocean: Record from lost deep sea. Science 276(): 235-238.

[1918]        Isozaki, Y., Amiscaray, E. A. & Rillon, A. 1988. Permian, Triassic and Jurassic bedded radiolarian cherts in North Palawan Block, Philippines: Evidence of Late Mesozoic subduction-accretion. Pp. 99-115. in Ichikawa, K. (ed) IGCP Project 224: Pre-Jurassic Evolution of Eastern Continental Margin of Asia. Volume 3. Publisher unknown.

[1919]        Isozaki, Y. & Blake, M. C. 1994. Biostratigraphic constraints on formation and timing of accretion in a subduction complex: an example from the Franciscan Complex of northern California. Journal of Geology 102(): 283-296.

[1920]        Isozaki, Y., Maejima, W. & Maruyama, S. 1981. Occurrence of Jurassic radiolarians from the pre-Cretaceous rocks in the northern subbelt of the Chichibu Belt, Wakayama and Tokushima Prefectures. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 87(8): 555-558.

[1921]        Isozaki, Y. & Matsuda, T. 1980. Age of the Tamba Group along the Hozugawa "Anticline", western hills of Kyoto, Southwest Japan. Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University 23(): 115-134.

[1922]        Isozaki, Y. & Matsuda, T. 1985. Early Jurassic radiolarians from bedded chert in Kamiaso, Mino Belt, central Japan. Earth Science 39(6): 429-442.

[1923]        Isozaki, Y. & Nishimura, Y. 1989. Fusaki Formation, Jurassic subduction-accretion complex on Ishigaki Island, southern Ryukyu and its geological implication to Late Mesozoic convergent margin of East Asia. Memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan 33(): 259-275.

[1924]        Isozaki, Y. & Tamura, H. 1989. Late Carboniferous and Early Permian radiolarians from the Nagato tectonic zone and their implication to geologic structure of the Inner Zone, southwest Japan. Memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan 33(): 167-176.

[1925]        Isozaki, Y. 1984. Occurrence of Permian radiolarians from Taishakudai area, Hiroshima Prefecture and reexamination of the stratigraphy (preliminary report). Pp. 28-34. in Nakazawa, K. (ed) Report of Grant-in-Aid for Co-operative Research of DESK. Publisher unknown.

[1926]        Issel, A. 1890. Dei noduli a radiolarie di Cassagna e delle roccie silicee e manganesifere che vi si connettono. Atti Soc Ligustica Sci Nat Geog, Genova 1(): 20-28.

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[1929]        Itaki, T. 1998. Destruction of radiolarian tests in dried sediments. Fossils (65): 1-9.

[1930]        Itaki, T. 2001. Radiolarian faunal changes in the eastern Japan Sea during the last 30 kyr. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (12): 359-374.

[1931]        Itaki, T. 2003. Depth-related radiolarian assemblage in the water-column and surface sediments of the Japan Sea. Marine Micropaleontology 47(): 253-270.

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[1933]        Itaki, T. 2004. Radiolarian assemblages in plankton and surface sediment materials from the Oyashio area obtained during GH03 cruise. Geological Survey of Japan Interim Report (30): 104-111.

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[1935]        Itaki, T. 2005. Radiolarian assemblages in core GH04-1042 from the Oyashio area off the Cape Erimo (Preliminary result). Geological Survey of Japan Interim Report (33): 134-137.

[1936]        Itaki, T. 2007. Historical changes of deep-sea radiolarians in the Japan Sea during the last 640 kyrs. Fossils (82): 43-51.

[1937]        Itaki, T. 2009. Late glacial to Holocene Polycystine radiolarians from the Japan Sea. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists (NOM), Special Volume (14): 43-89.

[1938]        Itaki, T. & Bjørklund, K. R. 2007. Bailey's (1856) radiolarian types from the Bering Sea re-examined. Micropaleontology 52(5): 449-463.

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[1940]        Itaki, T., Funakawa, S. & Motoyama, I. 1996. Radiolarian faunal change after the last glacial stage, Hokkaido, in the northeast Japan Sea off the Shakotan Peninsula (preliminary report). Research Report of 1995, Geological Survey of Japan (): 171-185.

[1941]        Itaki, T. & Hasegawa, S. 2000. Destruction of radiolarian shells during sample drying and its effect on apparent faunal composition. Micropaleontology 46(1): 179-185.

[1942]        Itaki, T. & Ikehara, K. 2004. Middle to late Holocene changes of the Okhotsk Sea Intermediate Water and their relation to atmospheric circulation. Geophysical Research Letters 31(): L24309, 1-4.

[1943]        Itaki, T., Ikehara, K., Motoyama, I. & Hasegawa, S. 2004. Abrupt ventilation changes in the Japan Sea over the last 30ky: evidence from deep-dwelling radiolarians. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 208(): 263-278.

[1944]        Itaki, T., Ito, M., Narita, H., Ahagon, N. & Sakai, H. 2003. Depth distribution of radiolarians from the Chukuchi and Beaufort Seas, western Arctic. Deep-Sea Research, Part I 50(): 1507-1522.

[1945]        Itaki, T., Khim, B.-K. & Ikehara, K. 2008. Last glacial - Holocene water structure in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea inferred from radiolarian assemblages. Marine Micropaleontology 67(): 191-215.

[1946]        Itaki, T., Komatsu, N. & Motoyama, I. 2007. Orbital- and millennial-scale changes of radiolarian assemblages during the last 220 kyrs in the Japan Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 247(): 115-130.

[1947]        Itaki, T., Matsuoka, A., Yoshida, K., Machidori, S., Shinzawa, M. & Todo, T. 2003. Late Spring radiolarian fauna in the surface water off Tassha, Aikawa Town, Sado Island, central Japan. Science Reports of Niigata University, Series E, Geology and Mineralogy (18): 41-51.

[1948]        Itaki, T. & Nojo, A. 2004. Radiolarian biostratigraphy from the Neogene Kuromatsunai Formation in the Imakane area, southwestern Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 110(5): 325-328.

[1949]        Itaki, T., Takahashi, K. & Maita, Y. 1997. Seasonal change of Cycladophora davisiana davisiana (Radiolaria) in the Bering Sea: its significance for paleoceanography. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (10): 293-298.

[1950]        Itaki, T. & Takahashi, Kozo 1994. Preliminary results on radiolarian fluxes in the central subarctic Pacific and Bering Sea. Proceedings of Hokkaido Tokai University, Science and Engineering 7(): 37-47.

[1951]        Itaki, T. & Khim, Boo-kuen 2007. Radiolarians from the British North-Polar Expedition (1875-1876): re-examination of the H. B. Brady (1878) collection. Journal of Natural History 41(37-40): 2537-2542.

[1952]        Itasaka, K., Matsuoka, A. & Tazawa, J. 1994. Late Triassic radiolarians from the pre-Tertiary rocks in the Wasshisaki area, northeast of Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture, central Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 100(5): 368-370.

[1953]        Ito, M. & Matsuda, T. [ɓEcNv] 1980. Discovery of Triassic and Jurassic radiolarians and Triassic conodonts from the Nanjo Mountains, western Mino Belt, central Japan [ZіkRnCgAXI[WI^̕U΁EgAXI^Rmhg΂̔]. Bulletin of the Fukui Municipal Museum of Natural History (27): 7-12.

[1954]        Ito, M. & Shiratake, T. [ɓE|v] 1980. A review of the Paleozoic radiolarian fossils found around Mt. Kanmuri on the Fukui-Gifu Prefectural Border in central Japan. -New findings concerning Triassic-Jurassic period radiolarians- [E򕌌Rӂ"Ðw"̕U΂ɂČ [gAXI[WI^̕U΂̎Yo[]. Bulletin of the Fukui Municipal Museum of Natural History (27): 1-6.

[1955]        Ivanov, V. I. & Shilov, V. V. 1987. Inzhenerno-geologicheskie kompleskyi chekhla tsentral'noy chasti Severo-Vootochnoy kotlsvnnyi Tikhogo okeana. Tezisyi Dokladov III o`ezda sovetokikh okeanologov. Leningrad (): 106-107.

[1956]        Iwaki, M. & Otsuka, T. 2001. Geology and radiolarian fossils of the Misogawa Complex in the Asahi and Kiso Villages, eastern Mino Terrane, Central Japan. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (12): 215-226.

[1957]        Iwamoto, H. & Watanabe, K. 1964. Radiolarian fossils. Bulletin of Technical Laboratory, JAPEX 8(): 288-310.

[1958]        Iwasaki, T., Sashida, K. & Igo, Hy 1984. Discovery of Cretaceous radiolarians from the Chichibu belt bear the Mt. Ogura in Minamiaiki Village, Minamisaku County, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 90(5): 349-352.

[1959]        Iwasaki, T., Sashida, K. & Igo, Hy 1989. Mesozoic strata of the Kitaakiki-Kawakami area in Minamisaku County, Nagano Prefecture, northwest Kanto Mountains, central Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 95(10): 733-753.

[1960]        Iwata, K., Akamatsu, M. & Hirama, M. 1992. Radiolarian fossils from the pre-Tertiary chert in te Tonin-Aniva Peninsula, Sakhalin Island. Memoirs of Historical Museum, Hokkaido 31(): 11-16.

[1961]        Iwata, K., Fujiwara, Y., Buslov, M. M., Kazansky, A. Yu, Sennikov, N. V., Obut, O. T. & Saphonova, I. Yu 1999. Geodynamics and paleo-environmental change of Central Asia (Altai) Collision of the Baltica and Siberia Continents, and the birth of formation of Northern Eurasia Continent. Pp. 113-114. in  (ed) Special Reports on the Regional Studies of North-East Eurasia and North Pacific in Hokkaido University. Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo.

[1962]        Iwata, K., Hariya, Y., Choi, J. H., Yagi, E. & Miura, T. 1990. Radiolarian age of the manganese deposits of the Tokoro Belt, northeast Hokkaido. Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Series 4 22(4): 565-576.

[1963]        Iwata, K. & Kato, Y. 1986. Upper Cretaceous radiolarians of the Yubetsu Group and the Hidaka Supergroup in the northern Hidaka Belt. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (7): 75-86.

[1964]        Iwata, K., Obut, O. T. & Buslov, M. M. 1997. Devonian and Lower Carboniferous radiolarians from the Chara Ophiolite Belt, east Kazakhstan. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (10): 27-32.

[1965]        Iwata, K., Obut, O. T. & Tajika, J. 1997. Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria from the Rebun Group, northern Hokkaido. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (10): 211-215.

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[2368]        Kozur, H. 1993. First evidence of Liassic in the vicinity of Cso"va'r (Hungary), and its paleogeographic and paleotectonic significance. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesantalt 136(1): 89-98.

[2369]        Kozur, H. 1993. Upper Permian radiolarians from the Sosio Valley area, Western Sicily (Italy) and from the uppermost Lamar Limestone of west Texas. Jahrbuch der Geologischen Bundesantalt 136(1): 99-123.

[2370]        Kozur, H. 1995. The position of the Anisian-Ladinian boundary and the development of the radiolarian faunas in this level. Zbornik radova Proceedings 1(): 311-314.

[2371]        Kozur, H. 1997. First discovery of Muellerisphaerida (inc. sedis) and Eoalbaillella (Radiolaria) in Turkey and the age of the siliciclastic sequence (clastic series) in Karaburun Peninsula. Freiberger Forschungshefte 4(466): 33-59.

[2372]        Kozur, H. & Krahl, J. 1984. Erster Nachweiss triassischer Radiolaria in der Phyllit -Gruppe auf der Insel Kreta. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläeontologie, Monatschaft 77(): 400-404.

[2373]        Kozur, H. & Krahl, J. 1987. Erster Nachweis von Radiolarien im tethyalen Perm Europas. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläeontologie, Abundlungen 174(): 357-372.

[2374]        Kozur, H., Krainer, K. & Mostler, H. 1996. Radiolarians and facies of the Middle Triassic Loibl Formation, South Alpine Karawanken Mountains (Carinthia, Austria). Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck, Sonderband 4(): 195-269.

[2375]        Kozur, H. & Mock, R. 1985. Erster nachweis von Jura in der Meliata-Einheit der Südlichen Westkarpaten. Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 13(10): 223-238.

[2376]        Kozur, H., Mock, R. & O?voldová, L. 1995. The age of red radiolarites from the Meliaticum of Bohu'n`'ovo (Slovakia) and remarks to the Anisian-Ladinian boundary. Mineralia Slovaca 27(): 153-168.

[2377]        Kozur, H. & Mostler, H. 1972. Beiträge zur Erforschung der mesozoischen Radiolarien. Teil I: Revision der Oberfamilie Coccodiscacea Haeckel 1862 emend. und Beschreibung ihrer triassischen Vertreter. Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 2(): 1-60.

[2378]        Kozur, H. & Mostler, H. 1978. Beiträge zur Erforschung der mesozoischen Radiolarien. Teil II: Oberfamilie Trematodiscacea Haeckel 1862 emend. und Beschreibung ihrer triassischen Vertreter. Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 8(): 123-182.

[2379]        Kozur, H. & Mostler, H. 1979. Beiträge zur Erforschung der mesozoischen Radiolarien. Teil III: Die Oberfamilien Actinommacea HAECKEL 1862 emend., Artiscacea HAECKEL 1882, Multiarcusellacea nov. der Spumellaria und triassische Nassellaria. Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 9(1/2): 1-132.

[2380]        Kozur, H. & Mostler, H. 1979b. Eine neue Radiolariengattung aus dem höheren Cordevol (Unterkarn) von Göstling (Österreich). Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 9(4): 179-181.

[2381]        Kozur, H. & Mostler, H. 1981. Beitrage zur Erforschung der mesozoischen Radiolarien. Teil IV: Thalassosphaeracea Haeckel 1862, Hexastylacea Haekel 1862, emended Petrushevskaja 1979, Sponguracea Haeckel 1862, und weitere triassisch Lithocycliacea, Trematodiscea, Actinommacea und Nassellaria. Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck, Sonderband 1981(): 1-208.

[2382]        Kozur, H. & Mostler, H. 1982. Entactinaria subordo nov., a new radiolarian suborder. Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 11/12(): 399-414.

[2383]        Kozur, H. & Mostler, H. 1983. The polyphyletic origin and the classification of the Mesozoic saturnalids (Radiolaria). Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck 13(): 1-47.

[2384]        Kozur, H. & Mostler, H. 1989. Radiolarien und Schwammkleren aus dem Unterperm des Vorurals. Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck, Sonderband 2(): 147-275.

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[2647]        Lipman, R. Kh 1961. Itogi izucheniya pozdnemelovykh i paleogenovykh radiolyariy Zapadno-Sibirskoy nizmennocti, Russkoy platformy i Sredney Azii. Tr. 4 sessii Vses paleont ob-va 4(): 41-46.

[2648]        Lipman, R. Kh 1961. Rpr }y{p~ ~}}|yr |ur }p yxu~t-pp| ~p uru~} quus pp|{s } [Sostav mikrofauny nummulntovykh sloev mysa Izendy-Aral]. D{|pt @{ptu}yy Np{ RRRQ 138(3): 651-654.

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[2653]        Lipman, R. Kh 1969. Nrz t y ~ru ryt u~r pty|yz RRRQ. Bypyspyu{yz Rq~y{, r{ 4 [Novyy rod i novyye vidy eotsenovykh radiolariy SSSR. Biostratigraficheskiy Sbornik (4)]. BNICQI, Nrp Ruy. St Bux~s Np~-I|utrpu|{s Cu|syu{s I~yp, Nrp Ruy 130(): 181-200.

[2654]        Lipman, R. Kh 1972. Novye eotsenovyie radiolyarii Turchayskogo prochiba i Severnogo Priaraiya. Pp. 42-56. in  (ed) Novyie Vyidyi Drevnyikh Rastenyyi i Bespozvonochnyikh SSSR. Nauka, Moskva, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Nauchnyiy Sovet po Probleme.

[2655]        Lipman, R. Kh 1972. Paleogenovye radiolarii SSSR. Avtoreferat dissertatsiino soislanie uchenoi stepeni doktora geologomineralogicheskikh otlozhenii Zapadno-Sivirskoi nizmennosti. Vsesoyuznyiy Ordena Lenina Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Geologicheskiy Institut 28(): 1-230.

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[2658]        Lipman, R. Kh 1975. C|pr~uzyu utpr|u~y r pxpq{u yu}py{y pty|yz y yu}p tp Spumellaria (Sphaeroidea, Prunoidea, Discoidea). In Gp}ztp, @. I. (ed.) Ryu}py{p y Rpyspyu{u H~pu~yu Qpty|yz [Glavneishie predstavleniya v razrabotke sistematiki radiolyariy i sistema otryada Spumellaria (Sphaeroidea, Prunoidea, Discoidea). In Zhamoida, A. I. (ed.), Sistematiseskoe i stratigtrafitseskoe znachenie radiolayarii]. BRECEI, Nrp Ruy. St Bux~s Otu~p Lu~y~p Np~-I|utrpu|{s Cu|syu{s I~yp, Nrp Ruy 226(): 13-25.

[2659]        Lipman, R. Kh 1975. H~pu~yu pty|yz t| }uw{~y~u~p|~z {u|yy |wu~yz p|usu~p [Znachenie radiolyariy dlya mezhkontinental'noy korrelyatsii otlozheniy paleogena]. Rru{p Cu|sy 1975(6): 29-36.

[2660]        Lipman, R. Kh 1975. Nru utuu~ru Discoidea (Radiolaria) uru~s ypp| [Novyie sredneotsenovyie Discoidea (Radiolaria) severnogo priaral'ya]. Pp|u~|syu{yz Rq~y{ (12): 54-57.

[2661]        Lipman, R. Kh 1976. Chetvertyy seminar po radiolyariyam. Paleontologicheskiy Zhrunal 1976(2): 148-150.

[2662]        Lipman, R. Kh 1978. Etapyi razvitiya paleogenovyikh radiolyariy i ikh znachenie dlya vyideleniya zon i yarusov v eotsene SSSR. Problemyi etapnosti razvitiya organicheskogo mira 18(): 155-165.

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[2664]        Lipman, R. Kh 1979. U Vsecoyuznyiy seminar po radiolyariyam. Moskova, I-3 noryabrya 1978 g.. Paleontologicheskiy Zhrunal 1979(4): 138-141.

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[2666]        Lipman, R. Kh 1980. Reviziya i novyie taksonyi vyisshego rango v sistematike radiolyariy. Pp. 67-68. in  (ed) Materialyi VIII Mikropaleontologicheskogo Soveshshaniya. ELM, Baku.

[2667]        Lipman, R. Kh 1981. Radiolyarii Opornogo Razreza Oligotsena Prichernomor'ya. Vsesoyuznyiy Ordena Lenina Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Geologicheskiy Institut, 108 pp.

[2668]        Lipman, R. Kh 1982. Zonal'nyie vidyi i kharakteristika kompleksa oligotsenovyikh radiolyariy Severnogo Prichernomor'ya. Pp. 26-40. in  (ed) Stratigrafiya Kaynozoya Severnogo Prichernomor'ya i Kryima. Dnepropetrovsk.

[2669]        Lipman, R. Kh 1983. Radiolyarii Nizhnego Paleogena Kubanskogo (Cherkesskogo) Razreza Predkavkaz'ya. Vsesoyuznyiy Ordena Lenina Nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy Geologicheskiy Institut, 104 pp.

[2670]        Lipman, R. Kh 1983. Zonal'noe raschlenenie paleotsena i nizhnego eotsena Predkavkaz'ya po radiolyariyam. Pp. 91. in  (ed) Tezisyi Dokladov IX Vsesoyuznogo Mikropaleontologicheskogo Soveshaniya. Ukhta.

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[3097]        Nakajo, T. & Funakawa, S. 1996. Eocene radiolarians from the lower formation of the Taishu Group, Tsushima Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 102(8): 751-754.

[3098]        Nakano, S. & Tsuchiya, N. 1992. Geology of the Chokaisan and Fukura district. With geological sheet map at 1:50,000. Geological Survey of Japan. Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Akita (6) Nos. 46 and 47(): 1-138.

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[3100]        Nakaseko, K. 1954. Preliminary report of Miocene radiolarian faunas from southern Toyama Prefecture. Science Reports, South and North Colleges, Osaka University (3): 107-118.

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[3103]        Nakaseko, K. 1958. On Radiolaria. Yukochu (Foraminifera) 8(): 20-42.

[3104]        Nakaseko, K. 1959. Applied micropaleontological research by means of radiolarian fossils in the oil bearing Tertiary, Japan. (Mainly in Akita and Yamagata sedimentary basins) Part 1. Method, geological note and radiolarian assemblage in Akita sedimentary basins. Science Reports, South and North Colleges, Osaka University (8): 113-193.

[3105]        Nakaseko, K. 1959. On superfamily Liosphaericae (Radiolaria) from sediments in the sea near Antarctica on Radiolaria from sediments in the sea near Antarctica, Part 1. Pp. 1-21. in  (ed) Biological Results of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition 2. Special Publications from the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Wakayama.

[3106]        Nakaseko, K. 1960. Applied micropaleontological research by means of radiolarian fossils in the oil bearing Tertiary, Japan (Mainly in Akita and Yamagata sedimentary basin). Part 2. Radiolarian assemblage in Yamagata basin, discussion and conclusion. Science Reports, South and North Colleges, Osaka University (9): 149-185.

[3107]        Nakaseko, K. 1963. Neogene Cyrtoidea (Radiolaria) from the Isozaki Formation in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. Science Reports, College of General Education, Osaka University 12(2): 165-198.

[3108]        Nakaseko, K. 1964. Liosphaeridae and Collosphaeridae (Radiolaria) from the sediments of the Japan Trench (On Radiolaria from the sediment of the Japan Trench 1). Science Reports, College of General Education, Osaka University 13(1): 39-57.

[3109]        Nakaseko, K. 1971. On some species of the genus Thecosphaera from the Neogene formations, Japan. Science Reports, College of General Education, Osaka University 20(2): 59-66.

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[3111]        Nakaseko, K. 1979. On the international correlation by means of radiolarians from the Cretaceous formations in Japan. Fossils (29): 27-35.

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[3113]        Nakaseko, K. 1984. An essential role of radiolarian fossils in biostratigraphy. Journal of Geography 93(): 96-102.

[3114]        Nakaseko, K. & Chiji, M. 1964. Discovery of radiolarian fossils from the Osaka Group (Micropaleontological Studies in the Osaka Deep Well, 1:Radiolaria). Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History (17): 87-92.

[3115]        Nakaseko, K., Iwamoto, H. & Takahashi, K. 1965. Radiolarian stratigraphy in the oil and gas bearing Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous formations, Japan. Pp. 1-14. in  (ed) Contribution from the Government of Japan to Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East Third Petroleum Symposium. Tokyo Japan.

[3116]        Nakaseko, K., Koizumi, I., Sugano, K. & Maiya, S. 1972. Microbiostratigraphy of the Neogene formations in the Nadaura area, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 78(5): 253-264.

[3117]        Nakaseko, K., Matsushima, N., Obata, I. & Matsukawa, M. 1979. Geological age of the Misakubo and the Wada Formations in the Akaishi Mountains. Memoirs of the National Science Museum (12): 65-72.

[3118]        Nakaseko, K., Mizutani, S. & Yao, A. 1983. Radiolarian fossils and Mesozoic geology of the Japanese Islands. Kagaku 53(): 177-183.

[3119]        Nakaseko, K., Nagata, K. & Nishimura, A. 1982. Discovery of Miocene Radiolaria belonging to Pentactinocarpinae in Japan (Preliminary report). News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (5): 423-426.

[3120]        Nakaseko, K., Nagata, K. & Nishimura, A. 1983. Pentactinosphaera hokurikuensis (Nakaseko): A revised Early Miocene Radiolaria. Science Reports, College of General Education, Osaka University 32(1): 31-37.

[3121]        Nakaseko, K. & Nishimura, A. 1971. A new species of Actinomma from the Neogene Formation, Japan. Science Reports, College of General Education, Osaka University 20(2): 67-70.

[3122]        Nakaseko, K. & Nishimura, A. 1974. Miocene radiolarian fossils of the Oki Islands in Shimane Prefecture, Japan. Science Reports, College of General Education, Osaka University 23(1-2): 45-73.

[3123]        Nakaseko, K. & Nishimura, A. 1979. New information on the radiolarian fossils from the Shimanto Group. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists (7): 27-47.

[3124]        Nakaseko, K. & Nishimura, A. 1980. Upper Triassic Radiolaria from Southwest Japan. Science Reports, College of General Education, Osaka University 28(2): 61-109.

[3125]        Nakaseko, K. & Nishimura, A. 1981. Upper Jurassic and Cretaceous Radiolaria from the Shimanto Group in Southwest Japan. Science Reports, College of General Education, Osaka University 30(2): 133-203.

[3126]        Nakaseko, K. & Nishimura, A. 1982. Radiolaria from the bottom sediments of the Bellingshausen Basin in the Antarctic Sea. Report of the Technology Research Center, J.N.O.C. (16): 91-244.

[3127]        Nakaseko, K., Nishimura, A. & Shimbo, H. 1970. On Tripylea in the sediments from the Sea of Japan. Japan Sea (5): 31-33.

[3128]        Nakaseko, K., Nishimura, A. & Sugano, K. 1979. Radiolarians from the Shimanto Belt, Japan with special references on Cretaceous radiolarians. News of Osaka Micropaleontologists, Special Volume (2): 1-49.

[3129]        Nakaseko, K., Nishimura, A. & Yamauchi, M. 1989. Paleozoic and Mesozoic radiolarian fossils from Japan3 (Cretaceous 1-6). Atlas of Japanese fossils 68(): 1-24.

[3130]        Nakaseko, K. & Sugano, K. 1970. Radiolarians from samples recovered from the Yamato Tai in the Sea of Japan (1600m depth). Nihonkai (5): 38-42.

[3131]        Nakaseko, K. & Sugano, K. 1972. Radiolarian biostratigraphy in the Uranihon oil-fields. Journal of the Japanese Association of Petroleum Technologists 37(7): 375-384.

[3132]        Nakaseko, K. & Sugano, K. 1973. Neogene radiolarian zonation in Japan. Memoirs of the Geological Society of Japan (8): 23-33.

[3133]        Nakaseko, K. & Sugano, K. 1975. Late Cenozoic radiolarian fossils from Japan 1-6. Atlas of Japanese fossils 37(): 1-24.

[3134]        Nakaseko, K., Sugano, K. & Ieda, K. 1972. Some problems concerning the radiolarian-stratigraphy in the Niigata sedimentary basin, Japan (Studies of fossil radiolarian-stratigraphy of the Neogene formation in Niigata Prefecture, Japan -4-). Journal of Japanese Association of Petroleum Technologists 37(2): 55-70.

[3135]        Nakaseko, K. & Sugano, K. 1976. 7. Radiolaria. Pp. 67-137. in Asano, K. (ed) Micropaleontology. Volume 1. Asakura Shoten, Tokyo.

[3136]        Nakaseko, K. & Watanabe, S. 1966. Summary of radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Tertiary in the Kanto, Japan. Journal of the Japanese Association of Petroleum Technologists 31(4): 202-203.

[3137]        Nakaseko, K., Yao, A. & Ichikawa, K. 1975. Chapter 10. Protozoa. 4. Radiolaria. Pp. 154-185. in Takayanagi, Y. & Omori, M. (ed) Particulars of Paleontology. Volume 2, Invertebrate Fossils 1. Tsukiji Shokan, Tokyo.

[3138]        Nakaseko, K. 1973. Chapter 2. Protozoa. Section 3. Radiolaria. Pp. 117-123. in Asano, K. (ed) Paleontology (new edition). Volume 1. Asakura Shoten, Tokyo.

[3139]        Nakaseko, K. 1969. Neogene Radiolaria in Japan. Pp. 468-474. in Bronnimann, P. & Renz, H. H. (ed) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Planktonic Microfossils. Volume 2. Geneva.

[3140]        Nakashima, K. & Nishi, T. 1987. Sandstone sills and dikes emplaced in Triassic and Jurassic siliceous rocks of the southern Chichibu Terrane in Kyushu. Science Reports, the Department of Geology, Kyushu University 15(1): 153-166.

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[3142]        Nakayama, F. 1992. Stratigraphy and facies of the Paleocene Nakanogawa Group in the southern part of central Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of the Geological Society of Japan 98(11): 1041-1059.

[3143]        Nakazawa, K., Ishibashi, T., Kimura, T., Koike, T., Shimizu, D. & Yao, A. 1994. Triassic biostratigraphy of Japan based on various taxa. Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne) 22(): 83-105.

[3144]        Nakazawa, K., Kumon, F., Kimura, K., Matsuyama, H. & Nakajo, K. 1983. Environment of deposition of Cretaceous chert from the Shimanto Belt, Kii Peninsula, southwest Japan. Pp. 395-411. in Iijima, A., Hein, J. R. & Siever, R. (ed) Siliceous Deposits in the Pacific Region. Development in Sedimentology 36. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company.

[3145]        Nakazawa, K., Matsuyama, H. & Kumon, F. 1983. Stratigraphy and formation mechanism of olistostromes in the Shimanto Belt. Kaiyo Monthly 15(): 448-452.

[3146]        Nanayama, F., Terada, T., Kito, N. & Omata, M. 1997. 'Cretaceous' accretionary complexes in the Susunai mountains and Tonino-aniva Peninsular, southeastern Sakhalin, Far East Russia: the tectonic relationship between 'Mesozoic' systems of Sakhalin and Hokkaido, northeastern Asia. Pp. 191-202. in Kawamura, M., Oka, T. & Kondo, T. (ed) Commemorative Volume for Professor Makoto Kato. Sapporo Japan.

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[3148]        Narayana, R. S. R. & Sripada, R. K. 1935. On the occurrence of foraminiferans and radiolarians in the Infra-Trappean Limestones near Pangadi-Rajahmundry. Current Science 3(): 365.

[3149]        Nash, J. M. W. 1929. Radiolarienhoudende Gesteenten von Sumatra. Mijningenieur 11(): 249-255.

[3150]        Nauss, A. W. 1947. Cretaceous microfossils of the Vermillion area, Alberta. Journal of Paleontology 21(): 329-343.

[3151]        Nazarov, B. B. 1971. Radiolyarii drevnikh kremnisto-vulkanogennkyikh otlozheniy Kazakhstana. Pp. 211-215. in  (ed) Stratigrafiya Dokembriya Kazakhstana i Tyan'-Shanya. Moskova.

[3152]        Nazarov, B. B. 1973. Puru ~pt{y pty|yz Entactiniidae y Ceratoikiscidae r ru~u} tur~u w~s Tp|p [Pervye nakhodki radiolyariy Entactinidae i Ceratoikiscidae v verkhnem devone Yuzhonogo Urala]. D{|pt @{ptu}yy Np{ RRRQ 210(3): 696-699.

[3153]        Nazarov, B. B. 1975. Qpty|yy Nyw~us-Rut~us Pp|ux Kpxpp~p (}ut y|utrp~yz, yu}py{p, pyspyu{u x~pu~yu) [Radiolyarii nizhego-sregnego paleozoya Kazakhstana]. @{ptu}y Np{ RRRQ, Otu~p Strs Kp~s H~p}u{yy Cu|syu{yz I~y (275): 1-204.

[3154]        Nazarov, B. B. 1977. Nru u}uzr pty|yz yx try{p Kpxpp~p [Novoe semeystvo rediolyariy iz ordovika Kazakhstana]. Pp|u~|syu{yz G~p| 1977(2): 35-41.

[3155]        Nazarov, B. B. 1984. Radiolyarii Paleozoya. Pp. 1-57. in  (ed) Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra Geol.-Mineral. Nauk, Moskov.

[3156]        Nazarov, B. B. 1988. Paleozoic Radiolaria. Practical Manual of Microfauna of the USSR. Volume 2, Nedra, Leningrad, 232 pp.

[3157]        Nazarov, B. B., Cockbain, A. E. & Playford, P. E. 1982. Late Devonian Radiolaria from the Gogo Formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Alcheringa 6(3): 161-173.

[3158]        Nazarov, B. B. & Kreycheck, S. A. 1977. Upper Devonian Radiolaria of the Russian Platform. D{|pt @{ptu}yy Np{ RRRQ 237(6): 1445-1448.

[3159]        Nazarov, B. B. & Nyilvak, Ya 1983. Radiolyarii iz verphnego ordovika estonii [Radiolaria from the Upper Ordovician of Estonia]. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Estonskoy SSR, Geologiya 32(1): 1-8.

[3160]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1983a. A new superfamily of stauraxon Polycystine Radiolaria from the Late Paleozoic of the Soviet Union and North America. Senckenbergiana Letahaea 64(2/4): 363-379.

[3161]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1983b. Upper Devonian (Frasnian) radiolarian fauna from the Gogo Formation, Western Australia. Micropaleontology 29(4): 454-466.

[3162]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1985a. Evolution of Radiolaria in the Paleozoic and its correlation with the development of other marine fossil groups. Senckenbergiana Letahaea 66(3/5): 203-215.

[3163]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1985b. Origin of the stauraxon Polycystine Radiolaria of the Paleozoic. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 74(): 65-92.

[3164]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1985c. Radiolaria from the Late Paleozoic of the Southern Urals, USSR and West Texas, USA. Micropaleontology 31(1): 1-54.

[3165]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1986a. Trends in the development of Paleozoic Radiolaria. Marine Micropaleontology 11(): 3-32.

[3166]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1986b. Origin and biostratigraphic potential of the stauraxon Polycystine Radiolaria. Marine Micropaleontology 11(): 33-54.

[3167]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1987a. A new Carboniferous radiolarian genus and its relation to the multishelled entactiniids. Micropaleontology 33(1): 66-73.

[3168]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1987b. Biostratigraficheskiy potentsial radiolyariy paleozoya. Pp. 53-57. in  (ed) Radiolyarii i Biostratigrafiya. Publisher unknown.

[3169]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1987c. Radiolyarii pozdnego paleozoya khzhnogo urala (SSSR) i zapadnogo texasa (SShA). Radiolyarii i biostratigrafiya (): 57-58.

[3170]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1989. Novye vidy radiolyariy iz permi yuga Urala i Nevady. Paleontologicheskiy Zhrunal 1989(2): 13-21.

[3171]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1993. New biostratigraphically important Paleozoic Radiolaria of Eurasia and North America. Micropaleontology, Special Publication (6): 22-60.

[3172]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1990. Biostratigraficheskiy potentsial radiolyariy paleozoya. Pp. 3-25. in Chuvashov, B. I., Zhamoida, A. I., Amon, E. O. & Puchkov, V. N. (ed) Radiolyarii v Biostratigrafii. UrO AN SSSR, Sberdlovsk.

[3173]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1984. Vozmozhnaya sistema radiolyariy paleozoya. Pp. 64-87. in Petrushevskaya, M. G. & Stepyan'yand, S. D. (ed) Morfologiya, Ekologiya i Evolyutsiya Radiolyariyi. Nauka, Leningrad.

[3174]        Nazarov, B. B. & Ormiston, A. R. 1988. The biostratigraphic potential of Paleozoic Radiolaria. Geologica et Palaeontologica 22(): 175-215.

[3175]        Nazarov, B. B. & Popov, L. Ye 1976. Qpty|yy, quxxp}{ru qpyt y sp~yx} ~u~s yu}pyu{s |wu~y yx ut~us try{p r~s Kpxpp~p [Radiolyarii, Bezzamkovyie Brakhiopodyi i organizmyi neyasnogo sistematicheskogo polozheniya iz srednego ordovika vostoehnogo Kazakhstana]. Pp|u~|syu{yz G~p| 1976(4): 33-42.

[3176]        Nazarov, B. B. & Popov, L. Ye 1980. Rpyspy y p~p {u}~y-{pq~p~ | try{p Kpxpp~p (Qpty|yy y quxxp}{ru qpyt) [Stratigrafiya i fauna kremnisto-karbonatnyikh tolshch ordovika Kazakhstana (radiolyarii i bezzamkovye brakhiopodyi)]. @{ptu}y Np{ RRRQ, Otu~p Strs Kp~s H~p}u~y Cu|syu{yz I~y. Np{p, M{rp (331): 1-190.

[3177]        Nazarov, B. B., Popov, L. Ye & Apollovov, M. K. 1975. Qpty|zz ~yw~us p|ux Kpxpp~p [Radiolyariy nizhnego Paleozoya Kazakhstana]. Ruy Cu|syu{p (10): 96-105.

[3178]        Nazarov, B. B. & Rudenko, V. S. 1981. Nekotorye bilaterl'no-simmetrichnye radiolyaryi pozdnevo paleozoya yuzhnovo Urala (Some bilaterally-symmetrical Late Paleozoic radiolarians of the South Urals). Voprosyi Mikropaleontologii 24(): 129-139.

[3179]        Nazarov, B. B. & Shkol'nik, E. L. 1974. K r rxpu {u}~yr-r|{p~su~~ | t{-u|u}twy~{s }uwtu [K voprocu o vozraste kremnistvo-vulkanogennikh tolshch udsko-selemdzhinskogo mezhdurech'ya]. Pp. 104-109. in Zhuravleva, I. T., Rozanov, A.Yu [Gpr|urp I. S. & Qxp~r, @. _.] (ed) Aypyspy y Pp|u~|sy Nyw~us Ku}qy Er y Ruru~z @xyy [Biostratigrafiya i Paleontologiya Nizhnego Kembriya Evropyi i Severnoy Azii]. @{ptu}y Np{ RRRQ, Cu|syu{yz I~y, Ryqy{u Otu|u~yu, I~y Cu|syy y Cuyxy{y. Np{p, M{rp.

[3180]        Nazarov, B. B., Tkachenko, V. & Shul'gina, V. 1981. Radiolyarii i vozrast kremnisto-terrigennyikh tolshsh prikolyimskogo podnyatiya. Seriya Geologicheskaya 1981(10): 79-89.

[3181]        Nazarov, B. B. & Vitukhin, D. I. 1981. Metodyi vyideleniya iskopaemyikh radiolyariy. Seriya Geologicheskaya 1981(2): 95-102.

[3182]        Nazarov, B. B. 1975. R{u|uru qpxrp~y uyu{y pty|yz y~wus-ut~us p|ux [Skeletnyie obrazovaniya radiolyariy nizhnego-srednego paleozoya]. St I~yp Cu|syy y Cuyxy{y, Ryqy{u Otu|u~yu, @{ptu}y Np{ RRRQ (Trudyi In-ta geol geofiz SO AN SSSR) 333(): 297-301.

[3183]        Nazarov, B. B. 1989. Paleozoic radiolarians; stratigraphic significance, evolution and relation with the development of other fauna groups. Trudyi GIN AN SSSR 431(): 112-131.

[3184]        Nazarov, B. B. 1981. H~pu~yu pty|yz t| pyspyy p|uxz{y |wu~yz [Znatsenie radiolyariy dlya stratigrafii paleozoiskikh otlozheniy]. Pp. 38-48. in Peyve, A.V. [Puzru @. B.] (ed) Ryu}py{p, ^r|y y Rpyspyu{u H~pu~yu Qpty|yz [Sistematika, Evolyutsiya i Stratigraficheskoe Znachenie Radiolyariy]. Np{p, M{rp.

[3185]        Nazarov, B. B. 1981. ^r|y pty|yz r p|uxu y r y yu}py{y [Evolyutsiya radiolayariy v paleozoe i voprosy ikh sistematiki]. Pp. 22-38. in Peyve, A.V. [Puzru @. B.] (ed) Ryu}py{p, ^r|y y Rpyspyu{u H~pu~yu Qpty|yz [Sistematika, Evolyutsiya i Stratigraficheskoe Znachenie Radiolyariy]. Np{p, M{rp.

[3186]        Nazarov, B. B. 1975. Albaillellidea y Paleoscenidiidae yx ru~utur~{y |wu~yz w~s Tp|p [Albaillellidea i Paleoscenidiidae iz verkhnedevonskikh otlozheniy yuzhnogo urala]. BRECEI, Nrp Ruy. St Bux~s Otu~p Lu~y~p Np~-I|utrpu|{s Cu|syu{s I~yp, Nrp Ruy 226(): 41-47.

[3187]        Nazarov, B. B. 1975. K yu}py{u p|uxz{y uytuz [K sistematike paleozoyskikh sferoidey]. BRECEI, Nrp Ruy. St Bux~s Otu~p Lu~y~p Np~-I|utrpu|{s Cu|syu{s I~yp, Nrp Ruy 226(): 35-40.

[3188]        Nazarov, B. B. 1975. Pp|u|syu{p Xp [[Paleontologicheskaya Chast']. St Iup Cu|syy y Cuyxy{y, Ryqy{u Otu|u~yu, @{ptu}y Np{ RRRQ, Np{p, M{rp (226): 52-56.

[3189]        Nazarov, B. B. 1974. Pq|u}py~u {u}~yu qpxrp~y yx ~yw~us Pp|ux Kpxpp~p [Problematichnyie kremnistyie obrazovaniya iz nizhnego Paleozoya Kazakhstana]

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[3190]        Nazarov, B. B. 1973. Qpty|yy yx ~ywy~y syx~r {u}qy Apu~ur{s Kpwp [Radiolyarii iz nizhnikh gorizontov kembriya batenevskogo Kryazha]. St I~yp Cu|syy y Cuyxy{y, @{ptu}y Np{ RRRQ, Ryqyy{u Otu|u~yyu (49): 5-13.

[3191]        Nelson, C. O. 1986. Radiolarian paleoceanographic studies of the Humboldt basin and adjacent areas. Pacific Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists 45(): 69-75.

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[3487]        Pessagno, E. A. Jr & Whalen, P. A. 1982. Lower and Middle Jurassic Radiolaria (multicyrtid Nassellariina) from California, east-central Oregon and the Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. Micropaleontology 28(2): 111-169.

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[3497]        Petrushevskaya, M. G. 1965a. Oqu~~y {~{yy {u|up pty|yz Botryoidae(O. Nassellaria) [Osobennosti Konstruksiy skeleta Radiolyariy Botryoidae (Otr. Nassellaria)]. St H|syu{s I~yp, @{ptu}y Np{ RRRQ 35(): 79-118.

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[4456]        Tochilina, S. V. & Popov, V. S. 1986. Korrelyatsionnyiy analiz mineral'nogo sostava i radiolyariy (na primere opornogo razreza kaynozoya, Zapadno-Tikhookeanskaya plita, skv. 436, 56-y reys b/s"Glomar Chellendzher"). D{|pt @{ptu}yy Np{ RRRQ 291(2): 429-433.

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